The Ice Bar slid back into Newcastle this week for its second term at STACK, this time with a shiny new sponsor in the form of Grey Goose Vodka and making its grand entrance with a New York theme.
That’s right, everything inside has a nod to the city that never sleeps and it’s just fabulous. From the huge to the very tiny, there’s something to capture your attention for every single one of the twenty minutes you get inside and it’s all been painstakingly carved out of, or encased in ice.
We were invited along on launch day to check it out. When you arrive you sign in at a welcome cabin and you’re given vouchers dependent on which package you’ve booked – we were there for the basic entry deal, a simple entry to the Ice Bar, shot of something from the bar and a hot chocolate after leaving. After signing in you’re given gloves and a faux fur hooded cloak to keep you toasty once inside.
You enter the Ice Bar in groups which are pre-booked online so it’s never overcrowded and the numbers are controlled in order to maintain the temperature inside. Once you get in there you’re immediately faced with ice, and a lot of it. You round a corner into the bar and it opens out into what’s actually a pretty big space.
The bar itself is completely carved from ice, as are the glasses the shots are served in. The toffee Schnapps served as the drink included in the entry fee is simply divine, it’s made fresh on site each evening by the bar staff specially for the event to a recipe they “just came up with”. There’s also a non-alcoholic apple version available for kids (or adults who just fancy it) and I have it on good authority that that’s pretty amazing too.
So what can you expect to see inside the Ice Bar and is it worth going back if you visited last year? Well, yes actually. It’s better. I’d say it’s a lot better. Firstly, this time everything is tied up with a theme so it makes more sense, secondly there’s a designated seating area and it’s decked out with rugs so if you want to just sit, you can.
The main focal point is the Friends set piece and sofa, it’s the definite Insta zone of the Ice Bar and the lighting around it is so much better than it was in there last year so make a beeline for that if you get in there this year. There’s some sporting memorabilia in there too in the form of the baseball bat with which Babe Ruth scored his first ever home run and it’s fully encased in ice.
The famous blue Manolo Blahnik pumps given to Carrie by Big in Sex and The City are in the ice too as well as some Tiffany jewellery and there’s a Yellow cab carved out of ice which looks really slick. Oh, and it just wouldn’t be NYC without Lady Liberty in there now would it?
After twenty minutes are up, and trust me you’ll be feeling it at sub zero temperatures, you’re ushered out in your group and directed to the end of the bar where you’re served hot chocolate topped with cream and marshmallows and given the option of mingling with the masses at STACK or heading to the Warm Room at the opposite end of the DJ stand to defrost fully.
Overall, it’s a fun activity, doesn’t take up a huge amount of time and doesn’t cost a fortune. Check it out while it’s here, it’s not around for long.
Mon-Thurs (Off Peak) / Fri-Sun (peak)
STANDARD ADULT — £10.00 off peak /£15.00 peak
Includes Entry
Jacket and Glove Hire
Ice Shot (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
Hot Chocolate
PREMIUM ADULT — £15.00 off peak / £20.00 peak
Includes Entry
Jacket and Glove Hire
Ice Shot (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
Hot Chocolate
Glass of Prosecco or Bottle of Beer
CHILDREN — £6.00 per child
No Under 7’s are permitted in the Ice Bar
Includes Entry
Jacket and Glove Hire
Ice Shot (non-alcoholic)
Hot Chocolate
FAMILY TICKETS — £30.00 off peak / £38.00 peak
A family booking can be made consisting of 2 adults and 2 children. More children can be added for £6.00 per child.
Includes Entry
Jacket and Glove Hire Ice Shot (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
Hot Chocolate