Terms & Disclosure
This website is owned and maintained by Pixie Tenenbaum, the author of Fashion Voyeur. We are often sent complimentary products for the purposes of informing a review. Posts which feature on Fashion Voyeur as of September 1st 2017 will contain disclosure where relevant in the footer.
This blog conforms to the Word of Mouth marketing standards, whilst payment may be made to Fashion Voyeur in exchange for a review, this does not influence our opinion on the product or service reviewed. Fashion Voyeur is an honest and open platform and we maintain our integrity by bringing up to date information, honest and true reviews and real recommendations to our readers and subscribers.
No item or service presented to Fashion Voyeur is guaranteed a positive review, we are always honest with our findings in order to maintain or reputation and stay true and genuine to our readership. However we understand that a negative review can be detrimental to businesses and relationships so findings will always be presented subjectively and honestly. No product or service reviewed by Fashion Voyeur will ever be the subject of slander.
Some links you may see in Fashion Voyeur posts may contain deep links via affiliate sites, this means that if you choose to buy a product that we recommend via that link, Fashion Voyeur will receive a small commission for referring that sale. Affiliate links are used frequently in influencer marketing and help to fund the maintenance of this website, by using this site you accept the terms of affiliate marketing.
We encourage the sharing and promotion of content by PR companies, brands and individuals and links to our posts can be used freely across the internet and social media. However please refrain from removing images from our online publication and/or social channels and distributing without prior consent and agreement.
Should you wish to work with Fashion Voyeur for a Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle or Travel assignment or review, please contact us at pixie.tenenbaum@gmail.com with your proposal. Thanks so much for taking the time to visit Fashion Voyeur today, we really do appreciate it!